31 octubre 2011

Cam: Mira el mundo desde los ojos de un niño

Cam: Looking at the world through children's eyes.

Cam: Looking at the world through children's eyes.

Cam: Looking at the world through children's eyes.

Cam: Looking at the world through children's eyes.

Cam: Looking at the world through children's eyes.

Cam: Looking at the world through children's eyes.

Cam: Looking at the world through children's eyes.

Cam: Looking at the world through children's eyes.

Cam: Looking at the world through children's eyes.

Cam: Looking at the world through children's eyes.

La agencia italiana DLV BBDO es la encargada de realizar estos carteles para la empresa Cam, donde nos muestran como ven los bebes interpretan el mundo que los rodea.
Fuente: Ads of the world


8 febrero 2008

Después de 70 años, hemos visto de todo

Si mezclamos el eslogan que usa Mutual Community “Después de 70 años, hemos visto de todo” con la creatividad de sus publicistas, nos salen estos simpáticos e impactantes carteles 🙂


